Monday, May 26, 2014

and I'm giving some hell and I'm feeling free

First off, some good articles on slashdot today:


We have this book at my store! I think I may have to get it now O_O
Oh hey what is up the future.
I, for one, welcome our new Ice-9 mummy overlords (with a selection of delicacies fresh off the printer).


I unintentionally passed out for awhile because I was just that tired -- I got about 2 hours of sleep and biked home around 1...Next year I'm packing better (OMFGTOOTHBRUSH)! I might save up for a room, or see if someone wants to split one, too -- that seems like it'd be a lot easier, and I could have people by for drinks and/or hangin out :3
I lost my Squid Girl keychain ;________;

I met so many wonderful people. I had a couple of people recognize my character, too! :D THERE WERE SO MANY GREAT COSTUMES! O___O AND I DID NOT TAKE PICTURES ;___; I was too scared of my phone dying, as it was crucial to finding people, and the charger doesn't have a plug right now and arrrrgggghhh
I need to email Brittany; I didn't make it back up to see her ;_; Man, those art rooms are kind of cramped, too -- granted, I was maneuvering a backpack in them, but a lot of them couldn't fit many people very well.
I ended up having a lot of fun in the video room -- had a really good time riffing on a CG movie with a gent (M..Mike? I shoulda given him a card :c ); we were both really tired, and it was a pretty silly movie, so that was fun -- I also met up with a couple of guys in the wee hours and ended up in there again chatting about anime and waifus X3 And I met awesome people at Cards Against Boise! YOU GUYS, I MET AWESOME PEOPLE ALL OVER THE PLACE
I am still really tired, and still very sad that I have no pictures :C There were geisha and furries and schoolgirls and ghost busters and lolita and titans and survey corps and a ton of homestuck and ponies and disney and just...just SO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS. I didn't want it to end :c Maybe I can make it to the other cons coming up this year -- but I have a family reunion sometime in August, and I'm kind of stupid broke atm so we'll see.

Hurrburr. I'm leaving out a ton, I know -- but I think I'm going to go watch a movie and possibly pass out again.

My kind of people.
They're all right with me

P.S. Let it henceforth be known that green tea kitkats are the greatest fucking thing ever.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

AO mini-update // The old church yard and the damn dog pound

I'm taking a break at the bar for a few -- I was starting to feel burned out by all the people, so I figured I'd kick it solo for a bit before I head upstairs for Cards Against Humanity :3 I need to take more pictures! I only have one so far, of a Celty (from Durarara) cosplay -- which was fabulous, in case you were wondering. I'll try to take some more tonight though! In the meantime, I'm going to drink this beer and watch some Retsupurae (if the internet cooperates)
Have I mentioned cons are super fun?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Everyone I've met so far has been awesome and accepting, and... just lovely, really. What a delightful time ^___^ Oh! And I made a shirt, which I wore today :D

I think they got lost...We really need to find them -- I mean, I ALREADY FOUND ALL THE YAOI BECAUSE IT IS EVERYWHERE. WHERE MAH YURI AT

I wanna be this, I wanna be that
A big black dog with the soul of a cat

Getting old // Nearly put to death by lightning strikes

Man, I crashed out of AO. I haven't made it to a lot of the events, unfortunately... a portion of today may have been wasted on aimless wandering courtesy of my own dumb shyness -- until folks started showing up in the evening, and then stuff got awesome! I'm going to try to remedy that shyness thing tomorrow. ZA PAYPAH AIRPLANES ARE A GO. Also, apparently people love you if you give them candy, sooo...I'm not going to argue with that. :D


I got kinda sick at the end, unfortunately, and had to bail on Cards Against Humanity :c That really sucked, because I was having an awesome time -- if they're playing tomorrow I'm going to bring our set from home to help out. Anyway, I went and passed out in the video room(?) a bit, which helped -- though hopefully tomorrow I can pack a slightly softer backpack. Also, less to drink as well as more caffeine, earlier: I think that is a good plan.

I did make friends with the bartender (I think most of the hotel staff is kind of bewildered by the AO folk? Or they love us. It varies). I hope that doesn't sound really pathetic, because he's a very cool guy -- I guessed what book he was looking for, and got to share one I'd brought along as a prop :3

Ohman. I met so many people this weekend  O O
And tomorrow is going to be even crazier! I need to bring more suckers; those were a hit. Maybe next year I can do bookmarks or something to give out :D Ohshit! And I need to remember to hand out business cards! Ch...check out my card thing? It printed weird, but I didn't check it on the better monitor, so that's probably my fault :/ Derp.

O...ok I'm going to pass out now.