Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've seen the needle and the damage done / a little part of it in everyone

New room is coming along! Just a few odds & ends to tidy up; I have not yet cocooned the place with images like a madwoman yet (as I usually do), & don't yet know if I'll go that rout or if I'll use my collage materials in other ways. WE SHALL SEE.

I got all jittery and dumped a cart of books in front of my store manager today, and then ran it into the wall as I was leaving. Truly I am, like ze gazelle, a stunning depiction of grace in motion.

Bounding elegantly through her native habitat.

So, that was a fun day. I think I'm going to jump on that (small) writing project tonight/this weekend. Now videos!

It's good to be curious

(Speaking of curious: lolwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat)

If you wish to call her out
call her with your bravest shout