Saturday, November 2, 2013

This machine gives backrubs

Where have I been, you ask? Oh, on all sorts of grand adventures. Why, just a few nights ago I was kidnapped by a mad and delightful tribe of wild lesbians. They named me their ambassador and fed me beer and bagels and coffee cake. Life is good!

In other news, my friend X has some plans in the works to get us live-streaming some games in the future -- which I am totally down for. I've been watching through a few particular Let's Play channels that I've really been enjoying (largely the likes of Retsupurae and Supergreatfriend), and I've been toying with the idea of sending the Retsupurae gents a playthrough of some old Sierra games -- so, now that I have a way to capture and record them, that may very well happen!

I also had a t-shirt design up for voting on threadless, but no dice there, unfortunately -- though the number of low votes I received was enough to make me somewhat suspicious that other people will downvote designs just to keep their own design scores high... but  しょうがない

Hope you're faring well out there, fellow creatures.

Spent a week in a dusty library
waiting for some words to jump at me.
We met by a trick of fate;
French navy, my sailor mate.
We met by the moon on a silvery lake;
you came my way, said:
I want you to stay

You -- with your dietary restrictions --
said you loved me
with a lot of conviction.

I was waiting to be struck by lightning;
waiting for somebody exciting,
like you.
Oh, the thing that you do --
you make me go "oooooh"
with the things that you do (you do, you do).