Sunday, January 12, 2014

Nothing can be done

Week was long and somewhat baffling. I learned that walking to work takes longer than expected and trashes my back and feet -- but the snow melted today, so I can bike again! This is nice.
I've been in a comfy haze of books since my library trip. I got The Maxx, and it's great so far... and a graphic biography of Hunter S. Thompson (which was also good, but made me want a more substantial bio of him as well). Right now I'm on a book about the theft of a moon rock, which is kinda fluffy so far -- but I've been liking it. Maybe I needed some fluff. Bleeeeuuuaaaarrrr, this week.

I invented a game called "fill boxes with random doodles" -- you can probably guess how it's played.

As much as I'd like to end the post on that hamster-with-a-knife note, here are a few more things I keep forgetting to stick up here:

Exit stage...whatever direction my bed is in.