Saturday, April 5, 2014

Took a sip of something poisoned, but I'll hold on tight // Straight down the runway

You know
those days
when you want to just
choose to not get out of bed --
lost in your head again.

Last week suuuucked -- I was a useless lump for most of it. Pulled myself out of it a bit when I ran across a fan art contest thing with a short deadline... I busted ass on that for a few days, and, while frustrating in its own way (the laptop's monitor makes color selection a laborious, teeth-grinding fun and exciting process), it was nice to finish something.
I also dredged up a ton of stuff to post, so on with the stuff-dumping! First off (with apologies for the terrible photos):

Lying Cat confirmed best cat.

I've been watching Chunibyo, because hey, why not?

This exchange with Tōka and Yumeha playing house was priceless:

I've been watching a few other anime that I have pictures for as well -- but those are on the other computer, so they'll have to wait for now. Instead, here are assorted musics and other things:

3, 2, 1; let's jam.

This is why we can't have dubbed things.

I know
what I know would not fill a thimble,
so: let your mind
go straight down the runway.
Does one want to get more used to the mall, and misery?
The debt mounts -- it costs to be alive

Hardcore read more

I'd never heard of Ghost Trick, but I think I my have to (somehow) play or watch it now, because it looks gorgeous I mean, look at that animation. Look at it.
Speaking of pretty things:

Well, that concludes this particular sporadic update of  miscellaneous media. I hope everyone else's week was more productive than mine, and if not: here's to good weather hopefully helping to turn that around for us in the week ahead. I might procrastinate more on digital projects and bust out the paints, if it's sunny -- I suspect I could use it. Peace, lovely things.

P.S. Courtesy of my brother: NO WHY. NO NO NO WHY.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This is the howling at the moon

I watched The Seventh Seal recently, since I'd heard it was a good classic, and I really liked it! I watched it again and took screenshots.


I liked these two together -- you get back from the crusades, everything at home's gone to shit, and sometimes you just need to get trashed and paint.

This WHOLE FUCKING BIT where the actors are doing a cuckold play and then proceed to cuckold the blacksmith -- who get busy with these two singing about death in the background, followed by OH HEY SHIT GUYS DO YOU REMEMBER THE PLAGUE... This was all fucking brilliant.

Thanks Hodor.

^ ^ ^ !!! DAT CINEMATOGRAPHY !!! v v v

; ;



So...yep! I liked Seventh Seal quite a bit. I might try some other Bergman films, but I've been wanting to watch some Kurosawa, so that'll probably happen first. Here's something I did at work the other night, because I am easily amused:


Putin will teach you to love the motherland

This is the pounding of a midnight heart --
this is the mountain; this is the lightning.