Monday, November 23, 2015

You feel...something // She looks like a ball

I made this on Saturday because it kept popping into my head and it pleased me -- but out of everyone I've shown so far I think I'm probably the one who is most amused by it.

Sunday I spent curled up in a blank, shaky ball in a corner of my room and it was awful and everything is still kind of awful. I feel like I managed maybe an hour and a half of stability (off and on) and somewhere in there I managed to email my therapist, who gave me some phone numbers that I haven't managed to call yet. Everything feels like a huuuuge ordeal and really blank and distant at the same time. I feel like a piece of styrofoam that's trying to act like a human being.

I'm trying to eat some food? I'm also trying to work up the nerve to go into work but it's kind of freaking me out and I just want to curl up in the corner and hug my squid some more. I like my job, and last week was going just peachy (lots of getting out to nice times with friends, feeling fine and stable and productive); what the fuck is wrong with me?