Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dreaming of car wrecks and thunderstorms bright

Well, I got a side project semi-finished, and  3-4 bigger projects most of the way there. This bear was originally holding a cake & looked a lot less horrified... probably because he was about to enjoy a delicious pastry instead of being menaced by giant eyeballs. What can I say? Sleep deprivation makes lunatics of us all.

It still needs some fiddling (text placement, shading [maybe?] & etc.), but one of the things I love about vectors is that even though they're time consuming/a general pain in the ass initially, now I have a bear 'base' that I can re-size/color & do whatever with. It takes awhile, but all the little detail bits will not only be good practice for vector work in general, they'll accumulate to help me build a library of useable images.

Also my brain has pretty much melted. Also, bears.

If you want to have cities, you've got to build roads.

Hmm? Ohhoho! Gleebold bayble grapes, you're just in time.

My words are falling apart a bit due to lack of sleep, but I'll try anyway: pulled an all-nighter as my laptop is fixed (HOORAY!) & I am able to glut myself on the sweet, vector-y meats of photoshop once more. Have also been trying my hand recently at a collection of horror poetry & some more experimental wordplay-poems that I'm not sure of yet -- mostly because the references are obscure & involve interpretations that make sense to my own roundabout head but not necessarily to anyone else's (it's a bad sign when your poem consists of in-jokes you have with yourself). Still, I'm pleased with my progress tonight, & should have an art post up soon. For the moment, however, perhaps you should ask yourself precisely what is this present hour the clock hath struck?

 It is that most joyous interval whence we embark upon heroic exploits!