Friday, October 9, 2015

(patience) // There will be coffee

"...I want to be treated like the individual I am—a bloodthirsty killer who will do anything for a quickening."

Hello my little ducklings! It is late indeed; I was going to write you a proper post, but I kind of have Jello-brain. SO real quick: projects in the works! I bought Undertale! I've been playing Transistor! I read some comics and checked out more thiiiiiiiiiings! I got a free cheeseburger today! Lots of anime! We have some crazy librarian free-for-all day coming up at work! There will be coffee! Emotions are pretty dumb! Life is a thing with nice bits in! Some things not so nice as well, and that is crummy! What remains of the week is full of plaaannnnnssssssss

Sunday, October 4, 2015

why // patience


Last week ended all crazy. The week before was extra crazy. I might be lucky or I might be a fool -- so I'll take the third option, which is...backburnering? Not that I'm backburnering in anticipation for a specific thing necessarily -- but just...turning down some things so I can focus on the overall state of my mental health/overall life goals kitchen. That metaphor's a pain in the ass, but whatever; I've been drinking (yet another thing I will be addressing/backburnering soon [but after Halloween, goddamnit, best and greatest and most high of all holidays]). Patience and work and patience and craft and proficiency and patience and mindfullness and patience and concentration and patience and patience and delicious projects and