This is a sliver of the things I checked out before I went overboard and the library sent me to collections. Ha haaaaaa! I bet you think I'm joking.
- Archivist Wasp is UHHHMAZING and is one of my top picks to throw at younger (or, y'know, whatever -- older if I think they'll go for "teen" books*) readers looking for fantasy stuff this summer. Seriously, that's some goooood sheeit.
*who am I kidding I just throw every good book at everyone's faces regardless. I run at them screaming "READ THIIIIS ONE"
OMFG Low is BEAUTIFUL, and beautifully written. It makes me want to explode.
Hair shirt is surreal and creepy and very very good!
Weird! Good! Weird!
I'm not sure what I was expecting when I started this book -- and it took me a little bit to get into the author's style of just... kind of chucking-you-the-hell-in to a bunch of threads? -- but things start to come together and it gets reeeeal (heavy and) awesome.
Example: some heavy shit
Perception of evolution and the future, which kind of gave me a new perspective:
Place, time, and memory:
The self:

* * *
* * *
...that quote sort of cuts off and I think I may have had one more page -- it's been awhile since I assembled these photos so... I can't help you here? Derp. Sorry. :c
Word. W...wait
Hey more things about the self, habit, memory, and our experience ("experience"?) of "reality":
Oh hi, some good fucking poetry
More on Jeffers:
Cool shit about language!
* * * * *
Mmmmmm girrrrrrrrl you know I loove me some fucking Doré
A Daughter of the Samurai is the most recent thing I've read -- it's a book I ran across in storage and sweet-talked one of the librarians into letting me check out despite my HORRENDOUS, HORRENDOUS FINES. Also pictured, some fine-ass whiskey.
Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto was born in 1874. For a little context (though I'm no historian or anything, I'm just going off of wikipedia here) "In the Boshin War of 1868 during the Meiji Restoration, the city [of Nagaoka] was reduced to rubble." -- so Sugimoto is growing up (and leaving Japan) during a time of huge upheaval where her family's status is being directly affected -- by the loss of the samurai class -- and the Meiji Restoration has opened Japan to the West's "modern" advances. Here she describes her first time seeing and riding on a train:
Yeah, she leaves her shoes on the platform. I find this indescribably fucking adorable???
She travels to America for an arranged marriage, converts to Christianity from Shinto Buddhism, has two children, and returns to Japan a single mother after the death of her husband; there she navigates a complex social system in order to continue to raise her daughters, and even pulls some strings to be able to return to America where she becomes a (female!) professor in... like the 20's/30's? I'm not 100% on her timeline after the book, but I think it's clear from just this stuff that she's an amazing, intelligent and resourceful woman. This book has no translator listed, meaning she just busted it out in English -- which makes it even more impressive to me when she throws out dialogue with weird-ass american pronunciation.
This is exactly how my grandma would pronounce Sugimoto
Naw girl, burn those fencessss
Fucking rad?!?!?!
They're all pretty good except for White Horse, which I might flush down a toilet??? Also I finished the Enchanted and wasn't totally into the ending but ¯\_(ăƒ„)_/¯
In related news, Philip K. Dick might be a new favorite author of mine; I am L O V I N G T H I S S H I T. Probably gonna snag me some Scanner Darkly next -- I also found a couple of horror authors I might check out, and I'd like to throw down on some more Vonnegut. There's a Vonnegut podcast put out by a couple of folks from Cracked and...well, between that and how much I enjoyed Slaughterhouse 5 my interest is definitely piqued. So! maybe some of that noise will be a future post c:
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