Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Daylight licked me into shape // I must have been asleep for days

Well, got a few things done today; I think I'm going to try finishing up our stream setup so X(AKA CILANTRO) and I can play some vidya games -- I don't know if the computer I'm currently using for TF2 can handle it but we'll see how that goes.

I also found out recently that Jennifer Charles, the singer for Elysian Fields (see awesomeness below:)

is also in a band called Lovage:

So that was cool to discover -- her voice is sexy as heeeellll  O.O

I need to wrap presents and all that crap... guys
I just want the holidays to be over, already.

Annnd...more songs.

I opened up my eyes and found myself alone
alone alone
above a raging sea

Another head aches, another heart breaks --
I'm so much older than I can take --
and my affection, well...
it comes and goes.