Saturday, May 18, 2013

Boring World's timeline is protected as a wildlife refuge.

I've been catching up on my webcomic reading the past few days -- found some pretty good ones through various links/browsing routes!

Minor Acts of Heroism
Kid superheroes! Very good so far, and I love the art style -- so much so that I also read through another comic by the same folks:

Stellar Tactical and Offensive Project -- grownup superheroes this time (or...mercenaries?). They fight bad dudes, and the Overlord of Jquj is pretty much the best ever.

Here endeth the worksafe comics! The following comics are somewhat-to-very NSFW:

Curvy (Very NSFW)
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Corporate world in particular I found conceptually hilarious.

The Adventures of Athena Wheatley (Only slightly NSFW?)
Time travel! Plus some really cool illustration-style shifts to distinguish dream sequences.

Teahouse (Very NSFW)
...and when I say "very" here, I mean that it is set in a brothel. Soooo... you done been warned. I wasn't sure I liked the style of this one at first (I think it reminded me of GO a little bit, unfortunately?), but I kept going with it and got fully hooked.

Starfighter (Very NSFW)
So Yaoi's not my usual cup of tea (Teahouse, above, has it, but being a brothel it covers a lot of bases that way), but: Space Yaoi! Yaoi in space! THEY ARE YAOI AND THEY ARE IN SPACE.

I've also been watching R.O.D. the TV because I loved the OVA and you can never have too many Paper Masters. Ever.

Now some other things!

all the sudden, all alone I'm calling out, I'm calling