Friday, February 19, 2016

Fuzzy logic // BEARS BEARS BEARS // We got everything but time


Squenpai ~♥

Do you know what is amazing even though it will destroy you? Well, life itself, I guess -- but also kimchi. Do you know what is more amazing than kimchi? Homemade kimchi.

Have I mentioned recently that you should be incredibly jelly of me for knowing my BFF, a powerful sorceress? Have I mentioned that she is incredibly beautiful and hilarious and I kind of worship her? AND she makes amazing kimchi? Well, now you know those things.


Hey did you know that the aforementioned Sorceress and her beau, two amazing fucking people, are rocking the wedlock-ing in like a month well folks it is true and did you also know that the celebration of this brave and beautiful time-honored pledge often entails the interaction of widely varied social circles and hey do you know what is good to have for social interaction it is clothing and guess who went to the thrift store TIME FOR DRESS CHAT

Potential loots!

The colors were nice but the straps felt It might have been alright with a cardigan, but I couldn't really find one which worked with the dress -- this was the closest I got to one I liked. Pass.

So comfy! And springy! I got this one and I think I'm keeping it just for funsies

These two (above and below) were the real toss-up...They were almost the reverse of each other, but the fit on the lighter one was a little tight (and the fabric is thinner, it might need a petticoat, etc) so I'm going with the darker one -- and the shoes on the left, which were an amazing find.

Look at this shit. I'm not even a shoe person, but look at these fucking shoes.

It's hard to tell in these pictures, but the dress is actually... like a chocolate brown(?) with kind of cream accents (the lighter one was cream with chocolate brown polka dots), and the shoes are an almost perfect match. Also some Bruce Lee movies(!!!!!!!) because um duh.

¡¡¡ Shoes: $4.99 Dress: $5.99 !!!
Martial Arts Masters DVD (9 Movies!): $2.99
Being a Wizard: Fucking priceless

Also, I got this sweater dress thing because it is amazing.

Aww, thanks Mr. Be-HEY

*shakes fist* Yooooouuu!

"Hey, what about hilariously ugly stuff you rejected at the thrift store?" I'm glad you asked!

The above one...had a hood on the back? And like...back pockets and these weird rivet stud things and...just...I don't know. Just look at that thing. Why? Why.
The one below just looks like the bad parts of the 70s threw up on a sweater.

I guess that leopard print thing next to it doesn't help any. There were many other ridiculous things, too -- I could have assembled at least six different complete outfits composed entirely of denim (ok, ok, maybe not the socks/underwear, but everything else). You know when you see your fourth denim overall dress that it's probably time to go.

The loneliness is loud tonight -- skin-tight (but you could snuff it like a pilot light)

* * *  Here be NSFW content!  * * *

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Today was real full-of-things on not a lot of sleep (maybe 4 hours -- that unfortunate mix of tossing for hours and then waking up early for more of the same).
Work was slowwwww. I met up with a new friend who seems really cool. I kicked it with my brother. I ate delicious foods and burned my mouth off with kimchi. Then I was dumb with the texting and just...threw my heart against a brick wall for awhile I guess. I'm going to breakfast with my dad tomorrow. I'm seeing a qt on Friday, and a movie next week, and I have pictures to draw, things to paint, airbrush skills to learn, comic books to read, and emails to write.

I don't...really know how to feel about anything right now. I feel like I should just keep moving but I also feel like throwing up. This is all dumb.