Saturday, September 19, 2015

Time being Time (I know when it's time to leave) // Space funk

"Is this the game?
You chase me like I'm the fucking Beatles for six months, and then I finally get comfortable and you shrug?
What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I'm scared, ok?
I'm really scared, all the time. I'm like very scared all the time."
"Join the fucking club!"
"No. Because I'm more scared than most people are when they say that they're scared. I'm like the most scared person who's alive."

I got a crapton done today, and it feels really good. There's still a bit to go cleaning-wise, but I can see the end (and that's a huge win). My goal is to be 100% done with organizing/paring down all my crap by next Thursday, and then it is THE PROJECTS TIMES BABY

 (This is a thing of perfect beauty)

Friday, September 18, 2015

A wasted life // "Hey, you bastards, I'm still here"

Been sick for the past few days, hence finishing up Mr. Robot. Tonight I'm watching Papillon, which is pretty good -- I forgot how crazy that book is (and now that I think about it, I'm not sure what I did with my copy). French Guyanese work camps, solitary confinement for two years, trekking through swampy jungle terrain, hiding out with lepers, sold out by bitchy nuns, more solitary, stuck out on an island -- even if a lot of it is questionable (or "borrowed" from other prisoners) it's still a good read.

The movie's holding up well, too -- I still think the book is better, but the movie's better than I expected. I don't think I've seen anything else Steve McQueen's been in(?), and maybe it's just that a lot of the prison scenes are very muted/washed out colors, but: daaamn that man got some serious blue eyes.

Yeah, also I'm still trying not to think about stupid shit. Also, I'm up way too late for my dumb sick face; I'm going to sleep.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I want a way out of loneliness

I won't lie: I definitely thought Mr. Robot was going to go a lot more Tyler Durden (and I guess it still might -- at least on one level -- since I haven't finished it) but it's been a good ride. Thumbs up.

Edit: called itttttttt

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Chunibyo (Chunibesto)

All kindsa stuff going down today... some good, some otherwise. I have been pretending I am a field of sunflowers with wind in them -- gentle waves of stillness and motion; sun and shadow and singing cicada. Will this human form always feel heavy? Not the skin, but the history. Not the bones, but all they imply.

Enough of that shit this is your sporadic Okarin reminder goddamn

Just here to remind you about Okarin

Restless stressed mess

I can't sleep; my head is full of bees and dumbness. I have work in a few hours anyway, so it feels kind of pointless to try to go back to bed. I got my tablet working last night? That is really the only good thing I can think of right now. ffffffff. Coffee? Coffeeee.