Tuesday, October 21, 2014

In a dream I was a werewolf // Zum Mond und zurück mit Großartigkeiten

Wir haben Weltraumsurf-Fieber, die Surfbretter sind bereit
In unserer Rakete tanzt jeder mit Überschwänglichkeit

Well, the library passed me up in favor of another applicant -- but they keep everything for six months, so I might still get a shot? I'm still kinda bummed out; the library has a freaking 3d printer, and my current job has only the impending madness of the upcoming holidays.

Speaking of holidays, though! On Friday we went to one of those haunted house/corn maze deals --  it was super fun! There were some GREAT costumes/makeup, and the sets for the haunted houses were cool too -- my personal favorite was the room that was pitch black but with white masks (mounted on some kind of black...branch-like things? They were on some kind of handles which could be moved in a group, like some kind of freaky Greek chorus) -- and one person in a black suit/white mask that jumped out at you from the dark. We all agreed the corn maze was more of a corn loop, but it was a pretty nice walk all the same.

Then we got attacked by a spooooooky weeeeerewooooolf!

It was a blast! Apparently I made friends with all the monsters -- I don't know if it's just because I was the last in line in our little group, but they were really determined to spook me...mostly I just got the giggles and/or complimented them on their costume (and tried to take the ghost pirates up on their offer of rum, because THEY SAID THEY WOULD GIVE ME RUM). I guess I'm hard to scare unless I'm alone in the house at night and my imagination starts to get out of hand -- creepy pasta and tons of horror must have strengthened my will saves, yo.

Singing oh happy day

I have articles for y'all too! BEHOLD:

HOLY CRAP, MY CITY?! How did I forget about this convention, by the way? Sounds like a wiiiiild tiiiime @O@

"The point is that when you're depressed, you're in a constant battle with your dumb brain for control of your life. You can win and turn those crappy days around, but you have to know the fight is happening. Don't assume the battle is won, or that there isn't even a battle going on. You may be fighting for the rest of your life. Depression is the Warhammer of illnesses, basically."

On a lighter note: even more reasons to love Kate Beckinsale?!



I'm a shake you off though
Get up on that horse and
Ride into the sunset
Look back with no remorse

Mourn the memories later
Laugh now alligator