I just re-read that last sentence. Is English dead? Sheeeiiit.
The week started off poorly when I spilled the contents of my wallet all over the bus and then banged my head trying to pick them up (picture of feminine grace right here, comrade).
The week continued poorly when the replacement battery I ordered did not, in fact, fix my laptop. Nooooo mooooore draaaawwwing tiiiiiime ;_____; No way to get my files right now either. Hopefully I can afford to get it looked at/fixed soon, but who knoooowwwws. D: Bwaaaaaauuuuuuhhhhhghhh
I'm reading a fantastic book that is also very depressing because of reality. I'm lucky. I have folks in my life who will help me out if I'm in a pinch -- but I'm a grown woman who wants to pull her own fucking weight, and being poor's just being under a fucking millstone; it just grinds you into dust some days. I love my job, but man... they cut what few medical benefits I had, I still make under $10/hr after seven years and many of my shifts are 4-6 hours long (plus about one hour each way biking and/or bus time, since I can't afford to replace my car). I've really got no right to complain, because I am lucky -- but I'm not perfect either, and I'm just so sick and tired and beaten down lately, with just so much...shit running through my head all the damn time. Would a second job really help that much if I had to figure in scheduling/transport? Should I go back to school? For how long? For what? Why are my emotions broken? What even do? Etc.
I almost don't want to post this because I feel like I've been a huuuuuge buzz-kill lately, for which I apologize.
Here are some nice things stolen from the internet to offset the pile of worries above: