Hōzuki no Reitetsu is hilarious. It's comedy(?) but set in Hell. It's great!
Next up: Wolf Chidren! I'd heard this was really sad -- and it was, but maybe not quite as bad as, say, Grave of the Fireflies/Super Feels Wrecker. I still liked it, but largely because I just love the heck out of Hana and her single mom gumption. ♥
I just started Aldnoah Zero (below), and while I don't usually watch a lot of mech anime, I've been digging it -- apparently I'm a big fan of humanity using sassy cleverness to outsmart hugely overpowered alien robooooots.
No screenshots for these, but here are some quick breakdowns of some other shows!
- Erased is REALLY GOOD SO FAR OMG -- it's one of those shows where I'm even a little frustrated that it's ongoing because I'll pounce on an episode as soon as it comes out and then have to wait another week O_O Time travel meets murder mystery! 8O
- My roommate just finished watching Parasyte and has started watching Food Wars -- so I've been rewatching the episodes I catch with her. I almost forgot how much I love Food Wars! I hope it gets another season. TnT She also found out about a live action movie for Parasyte, so we're going to watch that sometime soon, and I'm excited!
- La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia was cute, if a little fluffy -- I liked the characters and the ending! Let's be honest, though: I started it because I appreciate girls in suits who throw knives. ok.
- Otome Yokai Zakuro was, like La Storia, also a little fluffier than my usual fare, but I enjoyed this one as well! It's historical fantasy, and I liked their portrayal of spirits/magic. Pretty animation, too!
- Garakowa was fun! Kind of meta/existential, set in a projected/simulated world where the characters are anti-virus software. Anti-virus software of friendship.
- On the topic of movies: awhile back I also watched Children Who Chase Lost Voices and it was great! I kind of rented it because it looked pretty (WHICH IT WAS), but the plot was surprisingly good, too!
- House of Five Leaves is really good! It's a historical drama with a slow build -- but very rewarding, and the animation style is really unique and lovely. Sneaky criminals! Dark pasts! Swoooooooooords! BUSHIDOOOOOOOOOOO
Not entirely anime-related, but BFF Hime-sama showed me this blog post which contains AMAZING RECREATIONS OF JUNJI ITO PICTURES?!?!?! Here's the original article, but: this shit is amazing, and: haaaAAAAAVE I MENTIONED I FUCKING LOVE JUNJI ITO OMGAAAAAAUGH
Speaking of horror, and moving on to comics! CHECK THIS OUT
Speaking of horror, and moving on to comics! CHECK THIS OUT

It is good and I like it and it has been inspiring me to draw TERRIBLE CREATURES, for which I am very grateful (and am having a lot of fun with!) It' Mad Max meets The Thing!

Wolf was pretty good? I feel like maybe some of the exposition was a little more...plot build-up than world-explanatory...but I'd stick with it a bit more to see where it goes. Magic and immortality and some antichrist biz!
Other graphic novel things!
- You know who's great? Terry Fucking Moore. You know what he's doing right now? A series called Rachel Rising which has witches and demonic posession and ancient cursed swords and magic and awesome shit with awesome characters and probably a lot of them end up dead but it's awesome and the art is insane and makes me want to chop off my own hands. *sigh*
- Speaking of gorgeous art that makes me want to chop my hands off, I just checked out the second volume of Low. I haven't read it yet, but the first one was AWESOME, so I'm really looking forward to it!
- Uhhhhh more Sunstone came out and I must buy it don't judge meeee #@_@#
Some other rad things include!:
- The new X-Files?!?! YES PLEASE OK. A couple of notes here: for the record, I...didn't care for the last episode of the season for several reasons, which I won't get into here/now...HOWEVER!!! Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster was fantastic, and may possibly now be my favorite episode of the X-files ever. I'm not just saying that because it has Rhys Darby and Kumail Nanjiani in it, but uhhh, obviously they didn't hurt?!?!?
- Hime-sama & I watched The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which was incredible. It probably deserves its own post, but I didn't really take screenshots -- I checked it out because I had seen the book and was curious about it. The book, a memoir by (former Elle editor) Jean-Dominique Bauby, was written by blinking after he suffered a massive stroke and was paralyzed. The movie was beautiful, the whole story is fascinating and heart-wrenching, and I highly recommend it.
- I started watching Vikings, and I still have a lot of catching up to do, but it's a good show to put on while I'm drawing -- and the scenery and costume/set design is really fun! Also it's super steamy sometimes and I have a huge crush on the main couple?!?!?!
Them: Come join us, Priest! Me: AUGH HOLY CRAP GO JOIN THEM PRIEST
In other news-type things: I was freaking out a bit this week, because I've been (ridiculously) broke -- but last night I had dinner with my mom and we talked about some potential plans for me to help out with my grandparents' house and crash there for a little that was reassuring.
I think the medication's still been helping a lot -- guess who's been hitting all her work shifts! \o/ I've also been... just hanging out with a crap-ton of people this week. Not great for my budget, but good for my head, definitely.
I went to an art show with a new friend! Check out these awesome lamps and bug things!
Spring is happening!
I would kill to make you feel -- I don't mean kill someone for real (I couldn't do that; it is wrong
but I can say it in a song, a song, a song)
- When you remember the crush you had as a child on that hot cartoon butterfly milf
Aaaaaaaaaand that's it from me for now. Sorry about the lateness!
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