Did the world get a little bit colder? No wiser, just a little bit older So slow that we're bound to fall over, oh Did the heart grow a little bit harder Too much, too late, too far, too gone
From here there's nothing but horizon Near dawn, I'm searching for the sunrise Remember when you put the stars into my eyes, oh Wasn't it kind of wonderful
...could I really somehow be bulletproof against you shotgunnin' across my mind and I've taken you back too many times -- could I be armored against you, too? Against all the ways that words cut through against promises breaking into open wounds and the resulting scars.
Used to pray -- hope for a miracle; two thumbs up for making me cynical
They said I'd gone south
Said I'd gone asunder
They don't know hunger or what I been under
They were all laughing
Thought I was debris
I was just free
Today I sort of want to hurl myself into the ether. I'm trying to do that thing where you reclaim music from/despite your past experiences with it and the experiment is giving me the overwhelming desire to dance on the ceiling and violently shatter plates against walls.
Happy (late) St. Patrick's day! I have been muddling along and trying to finish up thingssssss. We made leprechauns at work; guess which one is mine?
Look at this masterful fucking mix between detail and abstraction -- someone with the right vocabulary for this sort of thing could surely break it down better, but... just the way the story and illustrations flow, the way the emotion of the scenes overrides the scenery to convey expression -- from the detail of a pleasant garden (or river encampment, as below) scene to the mother's form (above) gradually deteriorating to become, with the loss of her family, a featureless, huddled smudge curled before a single unforgiving line.
So! Highly recommend that biz! I think that's one I'll definitely have to own eventually. GG CYRIL PEDROSA!
I got up really early this morning to catch the bus for my counseling appointment -- it's given me some good time to work on things, but I can't find my pens?!?!?! I've looked everywhere (and asked everyone) I can think of and I think I'm going a little mad at this point. PEN WA DOKO DESU KAAAAAA
Hang on: I'm trying to look you in the eye
You know, you should've apologized -- or should I apologize?
Is there an answer?
What do you do
when the drowning stops?
No sticks, no stones could break my bones like you can
Hahaha, oh man, do you guys remember that time I promised you a timely blog post and then ended up running around all week and never delivered? And when I finally did deliver I just bombarded you with an an enormous mishmash of books and anime and music and stuff? Hahahaha! Good times, good tiiiimes.
what are we gonna do when everything all falls through
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOKAY. Sorry about the lack of posting! I have a lot to cover, so I think I'm going to have to break it up a bit -- this post is going to cover some random jazz, but I promise there will be more posts right quick this week, covering books/anime/movies the works, ok.
I'm going to start having some good dedicated project time Friday nights, which I'm looking forward to -- I might get to learn to airbrush?! So that's pretty rad. I also have a potential D&D thing, which I'm more nervous about, having not played for a long time. O_O And other things I'm nervous about? And just... the usual other crap I guess. Bleh. Woo? Both, kind of.
There have been a lot of really gorgeous sunsets recently -- this one also had a giant rainbow
Had enough to bring me all the way to the ground
I don't have to tell you what I'm thinking about
It's hard to tell, but there's a bird on the steering wheel of that car?! Someone's little buddy accompanying them to the library -- what a cutie! ^0^
Return of Smolfrand
I have many (many) more comics to write about later, but Squirrel Girl is absolutely too delightful to postpone, and hey look at that great segue! Wouldn't want to waste that!
This whole thing is amazing and I laughed (on the bus, like a crazy person) out loud in the realm of physical sound. That doesn't happen to me a lot, even with funny books, so you know this is some gold right here. I mean, you should have already known that. Do you see North on the cover up there? As in Ryan North of Dinosaur comics? Yeah, you are in some good hands. The artwork is also fantastic?! Look at this man being accosted by squirrels!
Do you know what is amazing even though it will destroy you? Well, life itself, I guess -- but also kimchi. Do you know what is more amazing than kimchi? Homemade kimchi.
Have I mentioned recently that you should be incredibly jelly of me for knowing my BFF, a powerful sorceress? Have I mentioned that she is incredibly beautiful and hilarious and I kind of worship her? AND she makes amazing kimchi? Well, now you know those things.
Hey did you know that the aforementioned Sorceress and her beau, two amazing fucking people, are rocking the wedlock-ing in like a month well folks it is true and did you also know that the celebration of this brave and beautiful time-honored pledge often entails the interaction of widely varied social circles and hey do you know what is good to have for social interaction it is clothing and guess who went to the thrift store TIME FOR DRESS CHAT
Potential loots!
The colors were nice but the straps felt too...open. It might have been alright with a cardigan, but I couldn't really find one which worked with the dress -- this was the closest I got to one I liked. Pass.
So comfy! And springy! I got this one and I think I'm keeping it just for funsies
These two (above and below) were the real toss-up...They were almost the reverse of each other, but the fit on the lighter one was a little tight (and the fabric is thinner, it might need a petticoat, etc) so I'm going with the darker one -- and the shoes on the left, which were an amazing find.
Look at this shit. I'm not even a shoe person, but look at these fucking shoes.
It's hard to tell in these pictures, but the dress is actually... like a chocolate brown(?) with kind of cream accents (the lighter one was cream with chocolate brown polka dots), and the shoes are an almost perfect match. Also some Bruce Lee movies(!!!!!!!) because um duh.
¡¡¡ Shoes: $4.99 Dress: $5.99 !!!
Martial Arts Masters DVD (9 Movies!): $2.99
Being a Wizard: Fucking priceless
Also, I got this sweater dress thing because it is amazing.
Aww, thanks Mr. Be-HEY
*shakes fist* Yooooouuu!
"Hey, what about hilariously ugly stuff you rejected at the thrift store?" I'm glad you asked!
The above one...had a hood on the back? And like...back pockets and these weird rivet stud things and...just...I don't know. Just look at that thing. Why? Why.
The one below just looks like the bad parts of the 70s threw up on a sweater.
I guess that leopard print thing next to it doesn't help any. There were many other ridiculous things, too -- I could have assembled at least six different complete outfits composed entirely of denim (ok, ok, maybe not the socks/underwear, but everything else). You know when you see your fourth denim overall dress that it's probably time to go.
The loneliness is loud tonight -- skin-tight (but you could snuff it like a pilot light)