Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm a stranger in a strange land here myself

It is quite late & I have little to say. We watched Moonrise Kingdom & it was poignant & lovely. Halloween was quiet. I'm on an anime kick again. I wrote a journal entry about family, and mutual disappointment. I am very

I saw this on youtube a while back & it made me smile.

(Old Mantake a look at my life; I'm a lot like you --
I need someone to love me the whole day through.)
Good feels

Also maybe you would like about a comic about dinosaurs?

A couple of people have told me that my comics are kind of obscure. I guess I'm just odd.
More posts/hopefully-better-comics incoming (I promise).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bearly tolerable

It finishes a goddamn project or it gets the hose again.

Protip: until we run out of them you can get a magnificent book for a stupidly low price. Snag them quick though; bargain titles tend to go fast. Edit: Annnd they appear to be gone.

In other news, I found a cool Tatami Galaxy AMV, a groovy new artist (A Day at the Park is particularly delightful), EVERYONE needs to hear this again, and if you are not familiar with Retsupurae you damn well should be. Also, how well did you know Rita?

Also why is that owl wearing a vest?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Squares, Bears, Tears for Affairs

You know who I haven't heard in awhile? Camera Obscura. They are lovely (& perhaps you would like to hear more). Additionally, I heard this song driving home the other day, & it was also lovely.

There was a sad story thread on /lit/ & it was not good to click on. Partially for the arguing & the stupid, but mostly for the sad. I wanted to post a sad book suggestion, but oh my god they would laugh so hard. I don't really think I need to tread the sea of instantaneous derision that would begin to propagate from such an action.
Been doing some painting (slow), been doodling goofy cartoons (games, work, various ridiculous critters). Been reading a lot. Got an advance copy that was kind of light & goofy and polished it off in about a day and a half. Also finished Spook Country, but Gibson's books always seem to go by too fast ;_; & you only get to read something for the first time

Did you know that things exist in the world?* Let's look at some things now.

This is for real.

So is this.

This is a reminder to watch this.

I said there would be bears, didn't I?

There's a picture I've been meaning to post for awhile, but I kind of feel like it needs its own post because oh my glob you guys it is lumping intense. More later? And: am I procrastinating actually writing things by just posting pictures? Why, yes and yes.

I lied about the squares, though.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Search for the circle to learn how not to become a circle.

Counting Crows was awesome! They played Murder of One, which I was really hoping for, and a lot of other great stuff. We drank many (many) a drink and meandered around the botanical garden, and I got a lot of comments on my boots, and a tipsy gentleman danced with us. Oh! And they had a hawk(?) there from the Birds of Prey center, so that was cool too.

Yesterday I had kind of a lazy day recovering (from pulling an all-nighter the previous night). I ended up watching all of Tatami Galaxy, which was tooooootally rad.

Seriously, it is free on Hulu; why are you still here?

Oh, you must need some chibi Carl Sagan before you go. Well, there I have you covered.

I might make his hair a little darker, but this was one of the projects I was working on for that all-nighter. The other project's still not done >_<
I should work some more but, while part of me wants to photoshop today, other, louder parts of me never want to photoshop ever again. Bluuuurg.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about ghosts

Well, here are some wallpapers (in different experimenty-text-design flavors). I would have done some more, but I lost my fonts so I'm subsisting on defaults until I go hunt some more down. More photoshoppery to come! I've almost finished zombie girl, among others.
TOMORROW I AM GOING TO A COUNTING CROWS SHOW. Their words contributed greatly to shaping the inner landscape of my teenage life, & many of their songs still strike a deep chord in me. SO FUCKING EXCITED.


Well, I dreamt I saw you walking
up a hillside in the snow,
casting shadows on the winter sky
as you stood there,
counting crows.
One for sorrow, two for joy,
three for girls and four for boys,
five for silver, six for gold,
seven for a secret
never to be told.

There's a bird that nests inside you
sleeping underneath your skin --
when you open up your wings to speak,
I wish you'd let me in.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Respect my squid authority!

Here's all you need to know: Squid Girl is hilarious. The puns are squidiculous. It's just ink. You don't mess with "those giant yellow fish." Shit gets weird. Someone's been watching a lot of anime.

I never swimagined I'd be so terrified by the sound of soft, hopeful breathing coming from a shrimp costume. I guess life just surprises you like that.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Vous ĂȘtes perdus, si vous oubliez que les fruits sont Ă  tous, et que la terre n'est Ă  personne.

I've always struggled with finishing projects. Sometimes I feel as though everything I want to say has already been said by sharper tongues (and minds) than mine. How does one build on a history as rich with follies and triumphs as ours? Humanity produces vast oceans of content; we drown in them. Media slays her children. This poetry. I never know what I'm going to say.

Le premier qui, ayant enclos un terrain, s'avisa de dire: Ceci est Ă  moi, et trouva des gens assez simples pour le croire, fut le vrai fondateur de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile. Que de crimes, de guerres, de meurtres, que de misĂšres et d'horreurs n'eĂ»t point Ă©pargnĂ©s au genre humain celui qui, arrachant les pieux ou comblant le fossĂ©, eĂ»t criĂ© Ă  ses semblables: Gardez-vous d'Ă©couter cet imposteur; vous ĂȘtes perdus, si vous oubliez que les fruits sont Ă  tous, et que la terre n'est Ă  personne.

The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dreaming of car wrecks and thunderstorms bright

Well, I got a side project semi-finished, and  3-4 bigger projects most of the way there. This bear was originally holding a cake & looked a lot less horrified... probably because he was about to enjoy a delicious pastry instead of being menaced by giant eyeballs. What can I say? Sleep deprivation makes lunatics of us all.

It still needs some fiddling (text placement, shading [maybe?] & etc.), but one of the things I love about vectors is that even though they're time consuming/a general pain in the ass initially, now I have a bear 'base' that I can re-size/color & do whatever with. It takes awhile, but all the little detail bits will not only be good practice for vector work in general, they'll accumulate to help me build a library of useable images.

Also my brain has pretty much melted. Also, bears.

If you want to have cities, you've got to build roads.

Hmm? Ohhoho! Gleebold bayble grapes, you're just in time.

My words are falling apart a bit due to lack of sleep, but I'll try anyway: pulled an all-nighter as my laptop is fixed (HOORAY!) & I am able to glut myself on the sweet, vector-y meats of photoshop once more. Have also been trying my hand recently at a collection of horror poetry & some more experimental wordplay-poems that I'm not sure of yet -- mostly because the references are obscure & involve interpretations that make sense to my own roundabout head but not necessarily to anyone else's (it's a bad sign when your poem consists of in-jokes you have with yourself). Still, I'm pleased with my progress tonight, & should have an art post up soon. For the moment, however, perhaps you should ask yourself precisely what is this present hour the clock hath struck?

 It is that most joyous interval whence we embark upon heroic exploits!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lonely I came, and I depart alone

"And all thy days this world shall hold the same:
No pleasure shalt thou lack that thou shalt name.
But as for tasks--" he smiled, and shook his head;
"Thou hadst thy task, and laidst it by," he said.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A weary kind of day

Off to a slow start today... going to flood my brain with good music & try to kick things off that way. Also, coffee.
What have I been doing lately?
Slogging through words.
& procrastinating about my own.

Living just to keep going
Going just to be sane

All the while I know
It's such a shame

"Merricat," said Connie, "would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh no," said Merricat, "you’ll poison me!"

"Merricat," said Connie, "would you like to go to sleep?
Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012

From G

give no fucks
take no orders
smash the prisons
and the borders

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

His work is like that of the planter — for the future.

"Nature may reach the same result in many ways.
Like a wave in the physical world,
in the infinite ocean
of the medium which pervades all,
so in the world of organisms, in life
an impulse started
proceeds onward,
at times, may be, with the speed of light,
at times, again, so slowly
that for ages and ages it seems
to stay,
passing through processes of
a complexity
inconceivable to men,
but in all its forms, in all its stages,
its energy ever and ever
integrally present.

A single ray of light from a distant star
falling upon the eye of a tyrant
in bygone times
may have altered the course of his life,
may have changed the destiny of nations,
may have transformed the surface of the globe,

so inconceivably complex
are the processes
in Nature.

In no way
can we get such an
idea of
the grandeur of Nature
than when we consider, that
in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy,
throughout the Infinite,
the forces are
in a perfect
and hence the energy
of a single
may determine
the motion of
a universe."

You beautiful motherfucker.

I wander to places beyond imaginings.

Also: "Oh, it must have been difficult for Leah, following and old man on a mad search for the secrets to defeating the Lords of the Burning Hells." Yeah. That sounds real hard, Deckard Cain. Or it sounds like every geek's wet dream.

I live to serve the spirits -- so I go.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.

Oh, if I had Orpheus' voice and poetry
with which to move the Dark Maid and her Lord,
I'd call you back, dear love, from the world below.
I'd go down there for you. Charon or the grim
King's dog could not prevent me then
from carrying you up into the fields of light.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calling, calling, calling me home

Kuragehime is one of the best things I've ever watched. It was so good that I tracked down the manga, too, and am thoroughly hooked. Like Arakawa, this is one I have a hard time appreciating in words; the Amars are fucking awesome, and as tight as a sisterhood should be, and the relationship between Kuranosuke & Tsukimi is subtle and fragile. I hope the other Amars continue to develop, though -- specifically I'd like to see more of Banba, because she rocks. ♥

In other news, I want to go to here because I bet the experience of it first-hand is mind-blowing.

In other other news there may be some art up here soon -- but I'm having trouble justifying the time spent in photoshop versus the minuscule improvement I appear to been making. I'll futz with something for hours and come up with something I'm only half satisfied with... it's frustrating and exhausting and I can't help but wonder if I'm not (still) going about this all the wrong way. Do want awakened mode.

I tell myself that I'll be strong,
and dreaming when they're gone.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where my electrons at

Yesterday started off like some kind of nuclear-meltdown-fail-erpillar but by the end of the day had magically meta-morphed into an all-devouring butterfly of crystallized awesome. Man, I don't even care if that metaphor doesn't make sense; it was rad and I am tired and happy.

I have a plateful of things to do today, but my dessert is sweet, sweet Skyrim. Did I mention I am quite sleep deprived? It is really my only excuse for these metaphors (and, apparently, my spelling).


Here is a handy rule of thumb to determine whether you currently exist in a meritorious layer of the multiverse: does coffee exist*? If yes then fucking awesome.

*Within a given quantity. If nothing but coffee exists in your multiverse then you probably have more pressing (HA!) concerns, like breathing.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Brobots need love too

My pony has kind of a disapproving librarian feel about her, and I am alright with this. Yon gentlemen are pwning face on TF2, & we are about to throw down on some Wonderfalls. Like rockstars, but without the depressing heartbreak so far.

Words is absurd(s), yo. Whatever this number of beers is is the number wot is the number for too many numbers of beers.

Who is this bro who has invaded my blog account?!